Tabby CAD Datasheet
See Tabby CAD Datasheet (this page) for details on Tabby CAD Suite; see OSS CAD Suite GitHub for details on OSS CAD Suite.
Tabby CAD Suite Datasheet
Highlighted Features
Tabby CAD Suite includes all our software, as we create more tools they are automatically added and made available to our users at no extra cost
Industrial HDL Support
Verilog 1995/2000/2005
SystemVerilog 2005/2009/2012
VHDL 1987/1993/2000/2008
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA)
Formal Assertion Based Verification (ABV)
Powered by Yosys and SBY Formal Property Checker
Formal Verification of safety and liveness properties
Formal Reachability analysis and witness generation
Support for multiple formal engines via one unified front-end
Formal Mutation Coverage
Powered by Yosys and MCY Formal Mutation Coverage Tool
Mutation Testing for testbench qualification
Use of formal model to exclude false coverage gaps
Synthesis and Place-and-Route
Powered by Yosys and nextpnr Place-and-Route tool
HDL Synthesis for various FPGA architectures and ASIC libraries
FPGA Place-and-Route for various FPGA architectures
Open Architecture
Extensible, Inspectable and fully configurable flow
C++ APIs that allow the addition of new Yosys passes in the form of runtime loadable modules
List of Software Included
YosysHQ Software
Yosys (YosysHQ Commercial Build)
with added support for SystemVerilog, SVA, and VHDL
SBY Formal Property Checker
MCY Formal Mutation Coverage Tool
NextPnR FPGA Multi-Architecture Place-and-Route
3rd Party Open Source Software
Formal Solvers
ABC, AVY, Boolector, BTORMC, Pono, Super Prover, Yices2, Z3
Python 2
Python 3
Platforms supported
Linux (x86-64, RISC-V, and ARM)
Arch Linux
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Fedora 33
Fedora 34
other distributions can be added on customer request
macOS (x86-64)
10.14 Mojave
10.15 Catalina
11 Big Sur
Microsoft Windows (x86-64)
Custom Feature Development
We regularly develop custom plugins and flows for our software. If you need something you don’t see, please contact us to discuss project work.
YosysHQ is the new home for the team maintaining Yosys and the related Open Source EDA projects, and the commercial products and services we offer.